Selasa, 31 Desember 2013


Hai pembaca setia gubuk maya gue! Yang bukan pembaca setia ngga hai... 

Gimana tahun baruannya? Seru dong...

Di malam tahun baru ini, gue mau pamit ngga ngeblog kurang lebih sampai bulan April. Gue kayanya banyak urusan, dan jarang nyentuh Internet. Maksud gue, gue ngga berhenti nge-blog kok. Tapi Cuma jarang nyentuh internet dan ngga ngepost 4 postingan setiap bulannya. 1-2 postingan pasti ada setiap bulannya. Makasih yang udah nyimak dari lama.. dan buat yang baru tau blog gue ini, bisa baca yang lama-lama kok.

Sekali lagi sorry ya, thank you!

Senin, 30 Desember 2013

Tahun Baru Besok, Gue Ngundang Raisa BBQ-an

Tahun baru udah di depan mata. Ada yang ngerayainnya di rumah, di rumah pacar, sampai di rumah sakit. Bahkan ada yang ngga ngerayain...
Tahun lalu gue inget, gue ngerayain tahun baruan di rumah gue bareng pacar gue yang sekarang udah jadi mantan, temen-temen gue, dan keluarga gue.

Kiri ke kanan, itu mantan gue, temen gue, dan temen gue lagi. Gue nya? Itu yang lagi di bakar.

Oke, kita lupain tahun baru kemarin.
Kita beranjak ke Aan Mansyur. Yup sastrawan dengan username twitter @hurufkecil itu baru aja follow gue. Siapalah gue ini, di follow seseorang yang followernya 100.000+

Besoknya, gue ditanya sama temen gue “Kok bisa difollow dia, Mod?” gue jawab, entahlah mungkin karena gue ngetwit “hey an.. i miss her like i miss your tweets.” Dia pun merengut ke gue, karena dia adalah follower Aan pas followernya masih kurang dari 20.000.
Temen gue suka banget sastra, dan semua yang berbau puisi, makanya dia cinta banget sama tweet Aan.

Hal yang pengen gue sampein ke temen gue adalah, kalau elo ngefans seseorang dari karya mereka, jangan ngarepin untuk dapet apa-apa selain kepuasan buat ngefans.
 Jangan jadi orang bodoh karena ngefans, fans itu boleh aja, tapi jangan fanatik. Karena menurut gue, ngefans yang fanatik itu malah kaya orang bodoh.

Akhirnya dia ngangguk-ngangguk karena merasa di ceramahi oleh gue. Gue minta maaf karena nasehatin dia sampe ngga berani lagi bahas kenapa gue di follow Aan.

Dan gue meminta maaf karena gue juga bodoh karena post ini ngga ada hubungannya sama judulnya sama sekali, dan gue ngga akan bodoh ngundang Raisa lagi ke tempat gue. Terima kasih! :*

insp: @hurufkecil

Jumat, 27 Desember 2013

Hidup Manis Seperti Lebah Madu

Gilang adalah temen sekolah gue yang dulu suka gue bully-bully. Ngga, gue bukan maniak. Dulu gue suka iri karena dia selalu bisa beli mainan terbaru. Sedangkan gue, gue harus ngumpulin uang jajan 2 hari untuk beli nasi soto yang dulu harganya 2000-an. Mungkin kalau sekarang, 2000 perak juga udah bisa beli nasi soto, tapi ngga dapet ayam, kuah, sama pelengkapnya.

Balik ke cerita, tadi siang, sebelum solat jumat, gue ketemu dia di warung kopi, lagi bawa anak kecil. Dan hal yang paling dulu gue tanyakan adalah: “Loh, lang.. sejak kapan punya anak?” tapi gue liat-liat mukanya ngga mirip sama sekali. Dan dia nyaut “Heh, ini ponakan. Mau main game online bareng ntar.” Katanya. Terus gue tanya lagi “Oh, emang sebelum main mau kemana? Pengajian? Kok pake baju muslim gitu?” dia jawab, “Loh mau jumatan, emang kamu ngga jumatan?” efek dari libur memang hebat, gue dibikin ngga sadar bahwa hari ini adalah hari jumat. Gue ngeles “Iya, ntar di  deket rumah. Ceramahnya enak. Hehe.”

Dari dulu, dia memang demen banget ngomong, gue terjebak obrolan 15 menit disini. intinya Gilang ngomong, orang tua dia sekarang udah ngga usaha lagi, mereka sudah tua, harta nya juga udah habis dimakan waktu. Karena dia ngga mau ngerepotin orang tuanya, dia ikut Tantenya, tinggal di rumah tantenya, tapi juga disuruh jaga anak tantenya yang masih kelas 5 SD. Dia juga bilang, kalau kita mau mandiri, kita harus tidak tergantung sama orang yang pernah ngerawat kita. Bukan hanya untuk mandiri, tetapi juga jadi contoh buat yang lain. Gue ngowoh, belum di masjid, gue udah dapet kotbah. Untung gue ngga solat jumat disini sekalian. Adzan pertama solat jumat pun berkumandang, gue anter dia ke masjid deket sini.

Di perjalanan menuju masjid deket rumah gue, gue pun inget-inget pas gue masih se-SD sama Gilang, pas pelajaran IPA, gue dijelasin cara lebah madu bertahan hidup. Iya.. intinya, lebah madu itu terbang ratusan kilo meter untuk mendapat sari bunga. Nah, lebah madu ini ngga ngabisin sari bunganya untuk dirinya sendiri. Lebah itu nyisain sari bunga untuk bunganya, biar bunganya bisa tumbuh lagi. Lebah juga ngga mau generasinya punah karena sari bunganya abis dan bunganya ngga tumbuh lagi. Kalau si bunga udah tumbuh, ntar dibuat bertahan hidup lagi buat lebah generasi selanjutnya. Dan ntar kalau udah mati, mereka meninggalkan hasil, yaitu madu.

Sama kaya Gilang, (misalnya) kalau Gilang udah ngga ada, anak-anaknya kelak yang akan menurunkan sifatnya Gilang ke orang lain. Gue liat-liat, Gilang sama lebah madu itu sama. Gimana bisa gue mikir gitu? Karena mereka sama-sama rela untuk melepaskan “rasa” ternikmatnya, untuk yang lain. Dan dirinya sendiri. Gue juga mesem sendiri sama pikiran gue, apa hubungannya gilang sama lebah madu.. tapi kalau gue hubungin-hubungin lagi, itu memang berhubungan. Lama gue mikirin si Gilang dan lebah madu ini, sampai-sampai gue ngga merhatiin kotbah jumat di masjid tempat gue solat Jumat.

insp: @radityadika

Rabu, 25 Desember 2013

CERPEN: Misserabel

Those days is my first day in university. I always found my highschool friends who school there. Seems difficult for me to be far away from my old friend. Anyway, my name is Anton. Im the grandchild of noble. Among five category class I they was placed me at C. In my university, every class treated differently. A is special, where all the student had a high final exam score. That’s mean B, C, D, E is ‘just’ regular class. Meanwhile, my class is in C. I got scolarship, because my grandpa is a patriot from Marine.

Next day, i go to canteen’s university. My canteen is a huge. Suddenly, my eyes catch a girl with bangs and glasses who sit on the corner of the canteen. Well, she’s pretty enough for my age. She’s alone. I sit on her side, because i thinks there’s no empty place for eating my food. She’s look sad, her eyes dropping a tears. Yaaa.. i think she’s just kid who just got break from her boyfriend. Her tears is endless, i asked her “why are you?” and she’s replayed “Me? Nothing, im fine.” With smiling. Suddenly my friend said if class is set back for a few minutes. So i go to library, i borrow sci-fi novel that available in the first shelf. And i sit around here to read those book. Afterwards, a girl started the conversation..
“Sci-fi?” I turned my head. Evidently, she’s girl with bangs and glasses that i just met.
“Yes.” With smiling, and continued reading.
“You stalk me? Why?” i said continously.
“No, seriously. I love library, full of story and silence.” She said.
“Really? I love your words.” , i continued reading again, and i brace up myself to ask her name.
“By the way, my name is Anton... So, who you are?”
“Abella Valentine. You can call me Abel. Or Bella. Or both.”she joked.
“Your eyes... why there’s a endless tears?”
“Its a long story.”
“I’d like to hear you.”
“My father was a taxi driver. 1 year ago, we’re go home to our village. We’re have a holiday because tomorrow is christmas. Rain and strom is like cat and dog. When evening, my father cant see, the taxi that ridden by me and my mother has breaking the outlines. Our taxi falling apart, it fall into river. My father and mother thrown out. My cranium hit a steel. Doctor said my eyelid has strangulated. But it’ll safe as long as i dont watch TV too often. And my parents, they will pray for me from heaven.” She said.
“My biggest condolences about you parents. I think you sad and crying.”
“Hahaha.. That’s my secret. I’m always sad.”
“By the way, how many your final exam score?”
“9,5.. and you?”
“Yeah.. below you. I bet you’re in class A, isn’t?”
“No, i’m class E. My step-father doesnt have enough money for my college.”

Hmm.. i think class A in my university is just fucking formality. After we’re blether, seems like the class is started. Abel looks got spirit on her first day.
I think i love her, she’s funny, she’s bookworm like me. And then... she’s pretty. WHAT THE HELL I JUST SAID, no no.. my expectation is to high.
Day-to-day is running. After 1 years, she said to me that she’ll stop from college, because her step-father doesn’t had money for her college. She’ll go farming in village with her step-father.

3 years has gone. Graduation day is come! I graduated from here with high enough achievement index score. I got contract with foreign company with huge enough salary. I have my happiness, except someone to share happiness with. Suddenly i want to visit Abel, i think i miss Abel very much. I bought gift a little christmas tree for her. I go to her place with my grandpa’s Roll Royce. I drive with full speed. If i came, i will hug her and say i miss her.

Finally arrived. But, grife flag standing in the front of Abel’s house. I entered the house and saw Abel got condolences from her neighbours, she’s always looks sad. Not sure she’s really sad or not. I think twice before i give a little christmas tree that lettered “Merry christmas and happily ever after!” while she’s sorrow. And i’m trying to call her.. “Abel?” she’s turned on me, stand, run and hug me. One minute, two minute... I’ll be the last one to let go. Because i never know how long she need hug.
I asked “Who’s has gone, Bel?”
“My..Step-father..passed..Ton..” with sniff
I started crying and kept asking her “What can I do for you?”
And she looked up at me and said... “Just stay here,..because..I need someone..who.. can fix me right now..and it’s you.”

Seems she really miserable, and i whispered her “Keep hug me, because you’re my weakness, and you Miss-er-Abel.

I’m always sad when I remembered those days, it’s almost 1 year. In this christmas, i want to give her a little christmas tree. She’s not sad anymore, and here she is now, the best wife ever. And I always love my Miss-er-Abel.