Senin, 23 September 2013

THE NATION OF MINE!: Sebuah opini yang tidak menang lomba

Ngga lama, gue iseng ikut Jakarta Post project, well.. namanya iseng, gue juga ngga ngarep menang. Tapi gue dapet sertifikat, mungkin ini sebagai hadiah 'ngetik'. Dan karena beberapa orang penasaran dengan tulisan gue yang ngga menang, langsung aja kali ya gue post, ngga pake gue edit dan gue benerin, cekidot:

Not like most children, my parents always teach me to loving everythings that i have. Everything, including my country, Indonesia.
The most beautiful nation, rich of artistic, rich of culture, full of island from Sabang untill Merauke. That’s Indonesia, where race, religion, and clan can peaceful living together.
Untill now, I very love Indonesia, love the food of Indonesia, music Indonesia, and Indonesia culture.

But sometimes, Indonesian people underestimate with their own country. They’re like to showing if they don’t love Indonesia. I want to express about my opinion about Indonesian who dont love with their own country. Or you’re the one of them?

For examples, Indonesian people still like to wear suit and tie than wear batik, whereas batik is original art from Indonesia. I know wear batik is small things, but this is how you can show if you love Indonesia.

Not long ago, football club from europe came to Indonesia, but I still saw Indonesian people who wear rival’s jersey where Indonesia needs the scream like “IN.. DO.. NE.. SIA!”, but what? They’re even scream “GOAL!” when rival club scored. Pathetic? Yes. I know if their skill is far from Indonesian player, but this is our country! We must support! If you never scream when Indonesia lose, then you don’t scream when Indonesia win.

Now, so many place that nuanced western, so many people spent their time and consumed western food. Where Indonesia food need to be promote. Some Indonesian act like they’re western. Actually we’re not anti-western, we just need to filtering good or bad things from western. And western people is not always bad, we can look their discipline, their eticute, and their daily lifestyle.

About music, Indonesia had so many music genre. For example, dangdut music. So many Indonesian people said “This is a freak music.”, whereas dangdut its real Indonesia music genre. It means they’re dont love Indonesia. We can enjoying  western music, but dont forget our original music. Loving Indonesia music its one of many way to make Indonesia better.

Korean trend now is famous among Indonesian teens, from their style wearing leggings, clothes, and many more. Some people too nervous if they’re not up to date about trend. What if everyone buy local products? I swear Indonesia will be better. One of a thousand ways for make Indonesia better is buy local product.

Thats my opinion about Indonesian people who can’t loving their own country. Pathetic, they’re born in Indonesia, and they dont respect their country.

I was born here, I grow up here. I’m not the person who can change Indonesia alone. I started from the little things, i used local products, and love it. I want Indonesia had something that can be proud, I want every people in other country use Indonesia product.

And everything start from loving everything that we have, including love our own country. They can said Indonesia is small country, they can leave Indonesia. They can claim Indonesia culture. But one that never ever they really know. Indonesia is a great country, I proud to be Indonesian.
I love Indonesia.

Gimana? Emang sih, masih belepotan dengan grammar, tapi ini dari otak gue sendiri. Oke, sekian dulu post gue, sampai bertemu di postingan gue selanjutnya! :p

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